Annual Dues:
Insurance & Non LE • $25.00
Law Enforcement • $25.00

You may pay the association by check, money order or cash. We do not have the ability to accept payment by credit card.

Cash payment can be made at the monthly meetings at which time a receipt will be provided to you for reimbursement from your employer.

Payment made by check should be made to PACIA. Your check should accompany your renewal application and your check will be your receipt or you may request a receipt to provide to your employer at the PACIA Meeting from the Treasurer.

Membership dues for 2024 are being accepted at this time. In order to have your name included into the directory of members, which will be posted on this website, you will need to have your dues paid by February 2022. You may also obtain a written copy of the directory at the monthly meetings. If you wish to obtain a written copy you should contact the Administrative Secretary prior to meeting date.

In order to serve as an officer or board member and on any other position within the organization you must be current on your membership dues.

All questions regarding membership applications and qualifications should be directed to the Administrative Secretary.
